Saturday, November 14, 2015

Road to 2016 USAPL Nationals - Update #3 (Week 3)

I'm injured.


So... I felt like I needed to get that out into the open and use it as a driver for this week's update.

Here's what happened in a nutshell:

I was supposed to work up to a heavy set of 5 belt-less squats, and upon working up to 335 (82% of 1RM), I my knee started to feel yucky and my right quad had become insanely sore.

When I walked away from the rack, I'd found that I was having trouble walking, and any tracking at all of my knee over my toe which resulted in my shin angle to break 90 degrees sent a sharp pain into my patella.

For most of this week I nursed the knee...

Here's what I think lead to this injury...

1.) Poor sleep.
2.) Stress.
3.) Rushing of stretching / warm-ups.
4.) Attempting to fool around with low-bar while warming up and not appropriately situating back and shin angles in the squat (I think this was, ultimately, what did it...)

A few thing to talk about regarding the first 3

1.) Sleep - This is simple. I don't get enough of it. How bad can that affect your training? Check out the video below (I know it says "for Crossfit", but shut up and watch the video):

2.) Stress - Life happens, and I think I was letting all of the things that I shouldn't bother me cause me to lose sleep eat away at me bit by bit. The solution, really, is to re-evaluate my goals and prioritize accordingly. We build our own prisons, people. Here's a brief article about stress and recovery:

3.) Warming up - This shouldn't come as a shock. If you don't appropriately prepare your body for the demands you will be placing on it, then you're going to set yourself up for failure. If you don't believe that, then talk to me when you're 30. At 15 or even 25, your body has a better chance at dealing with negligence. At 30+... not so much. Here's a fun video about resolving knee pain:

At the end of the day, I'm taking ownership of my injury. I'm not blaming it on coaching or programming, and I don't think I'm going to be out too long. I worked under some pretty light loads for the rest of the week, and followed my bench and deadlifting work. Though my deadlift felt a little nasty at the beginning of the week, I managed pull 80% (385) with a 2 inch deficit pretty comfortably, and as I hit this weekend looking at 2 rest days, I'm looking forward to what Monday brings.

With that being said, on Tuesday, I'll be seeing a sports chiropractor friend of mine who has never done me wrong. I recommend, if you're an athlete, you check this guy out for routine maintenance. I've sent several friends to him, and he knows his stuff.

His name is Dr. Shane McCann, and he owns South Jersey Sports Chiropractic. You can check out the website by clicking on the link below:

In other news...

I benched 255 for 5 for a touch and go and it felt nice. Big ups to Big Steve for the spot and the great coaching on that final rep. This puts me at something like a 285 TnG bench. Let's rock and roll, people!

My voice sounds funny... I blame it on the overall excitement from the accomplishment. At the end of the day, though, Taylor Atwood (the guy who won nationals in my weight class), can smoke 335 for 3 pretty easily, so I have a ways to go.

As promised, here are some tracks to jam out to:

Have Mercy - Howl

Trash Boat - Perspective (click link below... for some reason the viewer isn't loading)...

Close Your Eyes - Digging Graves (click link below... for some reason the viewer isn't loading)...

As for the podcast - be sure to give that Barbell Shrugged video up above some of your time.

See you all on the other side.

Be well,

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